Wednesday, 8 February 2012

PC --> DiSabLE nEw PhOtO vIeweR oN FB

Disable New Photo Viewer On FB ~~>

Facebook recently unveiled its new photo viewing application that has not gone well with the users. The new interface has a black lite box in the background in which the photo gets displayed. The website did not provide any means for the users to disable it but here are some tweaks and tricks that you can perform so that you can view the photos in the classic viewer. In response to the feedback that the company has received the Facebook might be thinking to shutting it down for ever. At present I had come to know about three possible ways where we can shut down this feature:
a. Disable the theatre mode of the photo URL: When you click on the URL of the photo it will be like
In the above mode simply delete the &theatre at the end of the string and then press Enter. You can browse the photos using Next and Back browser buttons.
b. Open the photo in the new Browser window or tab:
Simply right click on the image instead of left click and then select the Open in New Tab. It will open the photo without the Theatre mode.
c. Reload the Photo: After you have clicked on the photo and then right click on the photo to reload it. This will load the image again in the old viewer.